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How to Keep in Touch With Long Distance Friends



Gaming Monitors

One day, you’re living mere miles away from your closest friends. You can hit them up to hang out and be together in a matter of minutes. But as you grow up, people move. They relocate for jobs or school and take on new adventures across the globe. Your friendship prevails, but it now has a new look and spans hundreds of miles instead of a few.

Luckily, being physically far apart isn’t a barrier to friendship. It just means you have to get creative with staying in touch. Here are a few ways to ensure your long distance friends don’t feel quite so far away.

1. Send Gifts Just Because

Getting phone calls, letters, and even presents on your birthday is fairly normal. But when it’s just a regular Tuesday, having something special arrive is sure to leave a mark. That’s why surprise gifts are the perfect long distance friend move.


The best part is you can customize gifts to match whatever is going on in your friend’s life. If they got a new dog, send a care package with toys and treats. If they’ve been stressed at work, send their favorite snacks or a handwritten card of encouragement. If they’re struggling to get over their latest cold, explore get well gift ideas to find the perfect source of comfort.

Sending something — big or small — is a token of how much your friend means to you. It can brighten their day (and yours) in a matter of minutes. It’s a thoughtful gesture that strengthens your bond, no matter the physical distance.

2. Spruce Up Video Calls

It’s not exactly the latest tip to recommend calling or video chatting with long distance friends. However, even though those are great ways to stay in touch, they get repetitive. If you find yourself having the same conversations over and over, this tip is perfect for you. It’s all about finding ways to spruce up your routine video calls.


This can be done in a few ways. One option is to watch a show, movie, or sporting event together while on the call. Take advantage of commercial breaks or press pause to chat and catch up. When your video call has a theme (like a shared interest), you’re much less likely to run out of conversation topics.

Another is to do an activity together while on the call. Knit, paint, or draw if that’s your speed. Or find a digital version of a card or board game to keep you entertained. Even folding laundry is more fun if you’re chatting with a friend. The point is to find ways to keep calls interesting so you look forward to connecting regularly.

3. Plan Trips in Advance

There’s something to be said about having an occasion to look forward to. Whether it’s a wedding for a mutual friend or a vacation to catch up, they accomplish the same goal. You’re able to bond with your friends near and far and make memories that last.

So, try to plan trips with friends regularly so one is on the horizon. That way, even if you go without speaking for a period, you know you’ll see each other at a certain point. Plus, you get the added benefit of bonding over dinner reservations and activities to plan for your travels.

If budgets are at the top of your minds, opt to visit one another instead. You can see them one year and they can visit you the next. During your time together, each person can show more about their daily life and favorite spots. After it’s all said and done, you’ll both be closer and more in tune with one another than before.

4. Put Social Media to Use

How many hours are you spending a week scrolling on your phone? If you’re like the average person, it’s probably more than you’d like to admit. However, that’s not all bad when it comes to long distance friendships. That’s because you can share what you learn or are inspired by on social media as a way to stay in touch.

Take a kitchen remodel, for example. If you find an aspirational photo online but aren’t sure if it’s your style, send it to your friend for their input. As more time passes and you begin getting work underway, you’ll be reminded of them during the project. Top it off with a trip to show off your newly remodeled space. With that, you’ve officially turned a home project into a full-circle use of social media for friendship.

Of course, you don’t have to demo your home to have social media aid in staying in touch. Sending memes, recipes, or sports videos all accomplish the same feat. The best part is you can connect organically and learn more about your friend in the process. All you need is to slightly tweak your scroll time.

True Friendship No Matter the Distance

While it’s undeniably easier to be friends with people you live near, it’s not the only way. Plenty of long distance friendships are as strong as ever, they just require a bit of effort. So, pull out your social calendar and ink in a few reminders to stay in touch. When you do connect, it’ll feel like the good old days, despite the years that have passed.

Adam is a tech pundit and Web enthusiast. He works for various Tech Blogs. He spends most of his time reading and writing about technology.

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