
Why React JS Is The Right Choice For The Project You’re Working On?



In case you have the information on React but still aren’t sure if you can be using it for the current project, this blog will be very helpful. Here shall take a look at the main reasons why the React framework can be the best choice for the project you are going to work on. Of course, if you aren’t a developer yourself, you can hire a react developer or a team that can help you with it. Let’s begin:

  • React Offers Ease Of Learning:

When we compare React with some of the other popular frameworks for front-end development like Vue and Angular, it’s much easier to learn. This remains one of the top reasons why React was able to gain so much popularity in such a short duration of time. It can also help your business in this manner as the projects won’t take much time for building up.

Understand, that the more difficult a specific framework or technology is, the more will be the duration will it take for learning or even start with the process of development. And in general, humans also avoid learning very difficult things. But, because React offers a very simple framework and is to get started with, the biggest brands and businesses are seen to be inclining towards it.

2. It Also Helps With Building A Much Richer UI:

Presently, the UI quality of an application plays a vital role. In case the UI has been designed poorly, it will be lowering down the possibilities for the application in being a successful one. But when the user interface is of high quality, there is a high probability of it being loved by the users and they will be using it a lot more as well.

Therefore, for business survival and thriving, the interface must be much richer. And we have good news for you; React will be offering to build a high-quality user interface. This happens because of the declarative components it has. And with that we shall go to the related next point:

3. Capability of Custom Component Writing:

React is accompanied by JSX. This remains the possible syntax extension and also makes writing your components possible. The components are mainly HTML quoting that will be making all of the sub-component rendering a joyful experience for the developers.

Although, there have been several debates over JSX matters, honestly, this has become a crucial part-writing of custom components, the building of applications with high volume, and conversion of HTML mockups to React trees.

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4. Developer’s productivity gets uplifted:

The frequent updates usually become a headache. This occurs when the application comes with complex logic and also when there is a single modification in a component that extremely affects all of the other components. But, for dealing with this issue Facebook had amplified React with the feature of component reusability.

You might ask what the benefit of component reusability is.

Well, React will be allowing the developers for redeploying the identical digital objects. This makes all of the procedures simpler too. For instance, the developers can start with the addition of components like text fields, buttons, checkboxes, and then move ahead with wrapper components that eventually move towards the root components.

This is also the approach that offers better maintenance of codes and also each component growth can take place. React also has an internal logic that’s easy to manipulate and this results In boosting the application development productivity.

5. You Get Fast Rendering:

When you have been building a high loading app, that’s complex, it becomes important that you are defining the app structure at starting as this can also impact the app performance. Understand that DOM is a tree-structured model. Therefore minor modifications on higher layer levels will be impacting the application user interface.

For making sure that this problem can be solved, Facebook also introduced the interesting feature of virtual DOM. As you can see from the name itself, virtual DOM is a type of tacit DOM representation that allows the developer for testing it. This makes sure that the risks can be well calculated before each modification takes place. This is the kind of approach where there is help to maintain the app performance and also guarantees a much better UI experience.

6. Makes Everything SEO Friendly!

We all are well aware that for any kind of online business, SEO can be the trick that makes it successful. As per research, the lower is your page loading time the rendering speed will be faster, and the higher will be the app ranking over Google. Now React when you compare with any other framework, is going to significantly reduce the page loading times. This will be immensely helpful for businesses to secure the top rank of the result page of Google search.

7. There is a developer toolset for help:

Learning of emerging technology and making its use for projects in real-life can be beneficial and fun. But this can happen if it’s being used correctly. This is well understood by Facebook and this is the reason why their team has added the React and Chrome development tools with the framework of React JS.

The React tools mainly will be helping the developers in discovering the parent and child components. This will help in observing the component hierarchy, as well as inspection of components in present props and state.

Final Thoughts:

Now with this last point, we have reached the end o f the blog. Hopefully, you were able to understand the reasons for having React JS as your front-end framework and why this can be an excellent choice for your current project. If you are a developer yourself, there isn’t any need for a delay in learning React JS and there are easy to understand tutorials available online.

And if you are a business owner it’s recommended that you hire a good development company that’s expert in React JS for your project as it can keep you ahead in your business.


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